When is life like an ice cream cone? (Fotocrônica)

Ever have one of those days where it feels like you just can’t do anything right? That you have to scrap everything and just start from zero again?

Yeah. Me too.

Today was one of those days.

I pulled my car to the curb and sighed one of those sighs that wheeze out of your lungs and just leave your limbs feeling heavier than before you started. Sitting in the parked car I contemplated going back into school to grind my way through teaching my last few classes of the day.

“Ice cream cone. Today deserves a goddamned ice cream cone!” I growled as I heaved out of the car.

I made a bee-line for the ice cream parlor across from the school (note: in general, I find this location dangerous seeing as how the weather in Brazil makes every day a good day for ice cream). As I did, I muttered to myself: “And blueberry. It has to be blueberry. TODAY I need BLUEBERRY.” Because, you see, this Mainer has wandered into the other side of the world. Blueberry ice cream is just one of those things that makes home feel a little closer sometimes.

And so, dear friends, as I dug into the vat of blueberry ice cream (left pristine and untouched by all the Brazilians because they have no idea what flavor it is and don’t want to risk it) in this little South American ice cream parlour I discovered this simple metaphor for my life:

a woman's hand holding an ice cream cone
A cross-cultural dessert: Blueberry Ice Cream with Açaí topping

Blueberry and açaí. A tasty bit of home, a smidge of Brazil on top. Similar flavors, from two different sides of the world. They blend well together, but who would’ve thunk it?

No one but this Maine gal, crossing cultures far from home.

What about you, friends? Tell me in the comments what foods are home to you!

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