Fotocrônica: The Newest Adventure

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This little gal has been sitting neglected at the farm ever since we arrived. She has seen a lot of kids in her lifetime. According to legend, this is the crib that held my husband as well as most of our nieces and nephews. Since we arrived she’s been serving humbly as an impromptu shoe rack and book shelf in an unused guest room.

We cleaned her out recently and soon she’ll get a new coat of paint. Time to make her ready for a new tenant. ETA: December 20, 2013.

Pregnancy and childbirth in a new country. Welcome to the next Brazilian Outback Adventure. It shouldn’t be so hard, people do it all the time around here, right? Right?

One comment

  1. Congratulations!
    I’m very curious to read about your new life changing experience. My boys were all born in Canada, but as far as I can tell all stories are different, no matter the country, no matter the language. And yet, you are right, people do it all the time. 🙂

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